Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Challenge #4

This week's Challenge is a little bit different than the last three. All you need to do is count and do a little bit of Math...sounds easy, right?

For students in Grade One and Grade Two, count the total number of stairs in the school, from the lunch room all the way up to the roof. Write your name and your answer on a piece of paper, and give it to Mr. Smith before you go home on Thursday at 3:00.

For students in Grade Three and Grade Four, count the total number of student chairs in the lunch room and the total number of green chairs in the auditorium, then add these numbers to the total number of stairs in the school. Write your name and your answer on a piece of paper, and give it to Mr. Smith before you go home on Thursday at 3:00.

For students in Grade Five and Grade Six, count the number of windows in the gym and the number of teacher chairs in the lunch room. Multiply that sum by the sum of the total number of student chairs in the lunch room, green chairs in the auditorium, and number of stairs in the school. Write your name and your answer on a piece of paper, and give it to Mr. Smith before you go home on Thursday at 3:00.

For students in Grade Seven and Grade Eight, multiply the product of the Grade Five and Grade Six answer by the number of countries represented at RIS [Can't remember how many countries are represented here? Check the blog from August!]. Divide that product by the total number of teachers with an 'r' in their name [for example, Ms. Sawlor]. Write your name and your answer on a piece of paper, and give it to Mr. Smith before you go home on Thursday at 3:00.
You'll need to count very carefully, because one small mistake will prevent you from finding the correct final answer. All students with a correct answer will be recognized here on Friday as an I-Know-My-School Math Puzzle Master of the Week. Good luck!

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